We are very blessed to have some of the most amazing customers. When we can, we deliver the swing beds ourselves and because of that we have met some wonderful people all around the United States! We wish we had pictures of all of the places our swing beds have gone to show you. Here are just a few places our customers have hung their swing beds:
Ian Hamilton's Swing Bed
Ian's swing bed is in the north Georgia mountains at his Riverstone Lodge.
Ian says, "We have had many of our guests use it and sometimes sleep on it. Thanks"
We hope many more enjoy time on your swing bed, Ian!
Michael Congdon's Swing Bed
What a wonderful area Michael has hung his swing bed!
Michael says, "Everyone here loves it!"
We are so excited to hear that! We hope you enjoy it for many years!

Chris and Mellony's Swing Bed
Chris and Mellony have a great cabana to hang their swing bed!
Chris says, "God's Rustic Workshop rocks! You have to get your own original swing bed...Thanks Jim and Robin for helping us create a great space for our family."
It was our pleasure, Chris and Mellony!
Sherri's Porch Swing Bed
Sherri sent us 3 beautiful pictures of the area she hung her swing bed! Sherri sealed her bed giving it a darker look but also bringing out some of the colors.
She says, "Jim and Robin I absolutely LOVE my porch sing bed!!!!!!!!! I wish I had the words to tell y'all how thankful I am!!!!!!"
Thank you, Sherri! What a beautiful area!!!

Jenn's Porch Swing Bed
Jenn sent us two pictures of her swing bed. Her mattress hadn't come in yet so the pictures are with a temporary mattress but I still love it!!!
Thanks, Jenn!

Tish's Porch Swing Bed
What a great place to watch the sunset!!!...I'm surprised the dog hasn't figured that out...yet!
Thanks, Tish for the picture!

Doug's Porch Swing Bed
(or should we say Doug's wife's swing bed)
Doug bought this porch swing bed for his wife for Mother's Day! It was a surprise...Happy Mother's Day!!
He will have to be really creative to top this Mother's Day gift!!

LeeAnn's Porch Swing Bed
LeeAnn put it on her back porch. She chose to purchase her own mattress...beautiful cheery colors in a beautiful cheery place. She said it was, "Truly the centerpiece of my new home!!!"
Thank you LeeAnn for the picture of your swing bed!